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Blog: Diet and Fitness (Page 5)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been used for centuries in the form of remedies and soothing agents. Aromatherapy oils and fragrances are all natural. Not only do aromatherapy essential oils smell nice, but they also provide your body and mind with endless benefits. Here are the top 5 health benefits of using aromatherapy methods. Aromatherapy can enhance your sleep. Many people have a hard time resting at... ❯❯❯

Why you should see your dentist before you get pregnant?

Pregnancy brings many changes in woman’s body and the major cause for these changes is due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. These changes also affect the health of the teeth and gums and hence it is important to be aware of the care you have to take during pregnancy. The risk of developing gum diseases can also affect your baby. Pregnancy gingivitis is the name for the... ❯❯❯

Infographic: Ride Your Bike to Work, How Much Money Could You Save in 1 Year?

Via All3sports triathlon gear... ❯❯❯

Top Tips: The Dos and Don'ts of Kissing

It doesn't matter whether we're kissing somebody for the first time, or sharing a moment with somebody we know and love, kissing well is nice for everybody. We've all experienced the let down of a bad kiss; it’s never good when somebody we're besotted with gets a little too sloppy. Here, we take a look at several top tips which will help you avoid being that person. Close your eyes There's... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Must-Have Day Spa Treatments

If you need something that will provide you with the combination of a well-deserved getaway and a much-needed pick-me-up, but you don’t have a lot of money or time to take a vacation to another city or state, we have the perfect solution: book a day at one of your local spas. By going this route, not only can your mind get some of the rest and relaxation that it needs, but your body can get... ❯❯❯

How to Curb Your Junk Food Cravings

Junk food is hard to resist. It tastes good, it’s convenient and it’s cheap. However, junk food has very little or no nutrition, and there are myriad of healthy risks, like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease stroke and even death. Doctors are saying that junk food is one of the number one reasons for the rising levels of obesity. However, finding the resolve to cut out junk food from your... ❯❯❯

Can Exercise Really Help You Sleep?

In the UK, about two thirds of adults have some form of sleeping problem and most adults have difficulty in sleeping at some point in their lives. The problem may be a difficulty in getting to sleep, or in waking up during the night or early morning. The result of sleeping problems will be tiredness and irritability during the day. Causes of sleeping problems Sleeping problems can have many... ❯❯❯

Ten Reasons Why Salt is Bad for you

Salt is a common part of many people's diets as it is used for preserving and cooking certain foods, as well as being a popular seasoning and table condiment. The recommended daily amount for adults is 6g a day, which amounts to approximately one teaspoon, but you should try and aim for less than that as it can lead to a number of health complaints. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE There is a strong link... ❯❯❯

Struggling with the January Detox? Here Are Some Top Tips

Not only is January a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, but for many it is also a period of intense dedication and effort. We all know how hard it is to put down that wine glass or that last bit of turkey and head off to the gym for a more wholesome lifestyle. Furthermore, discipline and self-restraint aren’t always the easiest attributes to come by in the midst of a Christmas carbohydrate... ❯❯❯

11 clever ways to trick yourself into eating less

11 clever ways to trick yourself into eating lessIf you already eat a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly, but still cannot reach your goal weight, it could be that some of these tricks can help you reach your final goal. These tricks are no substitution for eating healthy foods and getting consistent exercise, but they can help you avoid overeating and other problems that can lead to weight gain or get in the way of weight loss. ... ❯❯❯

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