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The Pros and Cons of Wearing Dentures
Tooth loss is an important factor affecting human health in general. The absence of even one tooth can lead to impaired chewing, speech changes, and gradual curvature of the dentition. One of the most popular solutions is denture installation. Modern dentistry offers many options - removable, conditionally removable, fixed, and acrylic partial denture that can fully or partially replace lost teeth. However, like any solution, dentures have their pros and cons.
Types of Dentures
It's essential to understand what types of dentures may be used:
- Removable dentures - can be easily removed and cleaned (full or partial).
- Conditionally removable dentures - attached to implants, sometimes need to be removed by a dentist for cleaning.
- Fixed dentures - permanently fixed structures (bridges, crowns, implant-supported dentures).
Partial dentures are also frequently used. For example, partial dentures in NYC are a fairly widespread procedure as part of your natural teeth remain natural.
Pros of Wearing Dentures
One of the main reasons for getting dentures is a desire to restore a beautiful smile. Modern dentures are made of materials that mimic natural teeth (metal-ceramic, zirconium, acrylic, nylon), so they look natural. As a result you can speak with confidence and your face looks more fresh.
With dentures, you can properly chew again, which is especially important for digestion and overall health. It results in improved nutrition and absence of pain while eating.
Teeth loss can distort the pronunciation of sounds, cause hissing, and lisping. Dentures help restore proper diction.
Tooth absence leads to the displacement of neighboring teeth, “gaps”, and loosening of abutment teeth. Dentures preserve the correct bite and teeth position.
Teeth support soft tissues (cheeks, lips). Their absence causes premature “aging” of the face. Dentures help to preserve face contour and prevent cheek hollowing.
Removable dentures are one of the most budget-friendly options compared to implants. It quickly solves the problem even with limited finances.
Cons of Wearing Dentures
A new denture can cause inconvenience while eating and talking, as well as a feeling of a foreign body in the mouth. It takes 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer (especially for removable dentures) to get used to it. Difficulties with diction and excessive salivation may occur during this period.
A poorly fitted denture can rub the gums, cause inflammation, and pain.
Solution is timely correction by a dentist and the use of creams for fixation.
Some people are shy about removable dentures, afraid that they will fall out, move during conversation or eating. It causes stress and uncertainty. Dentures (especially removable ones) can also break when falling or under heavy load. Some designs do not allow eating solid food (nuts, crackers).
Removable dentures should be cleaned daily with special products. If not, it can lead to:
- Bacteria and fungus;
- Bad breath;
- Inflammation of the gums.
Dentures are an effective way to solve a tooth loss problem, which allows you to return to the joy of normal life. They have certain drawbacks, but most of them can be minimized thanks to modern technology. It is important to choose the right type of denture together with a qualified dentist, take care of it, and attend regular check-ups.
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