A lot of plastic surgeons report that the abdominal area is among the most requested areas for procedures, either by means of abdominal liposuction or through the popular “tummy tuck” procedure. Yet, UK patients often tend to mix up those two procedures, even though they are essentially different. And while the decision whether to go ahead with either procedure will be largely determined by a... ❯❯❯
If your eyes are bigger than your stomach, then perhaps the best way around this, is to make your food look bigger. Japanese researchers at the University of Tokyo, have recently hit upon a way to make food look bigger than it actually is, in order to make people feel fuller after eating less. Nothing can replace exercise and a diet with low fat and low sugar foods, for losing weight. However... ❯❯❯
The term "beauty products" alone is something that immediately smacks of artificiality, in today's society. The idea of wearing makeup, or doing your hair, seems to be nothing more than putting on a mask of sorts and "improving" yourself for the rest of the world. It is reasonable then, that people might feel a need to rebel against the mass produced beauty products and the artificial ingredients... ❯❯❯
Having a healthy looking tan has become an integral component in the beauty regime of men and women worldwide. Being a nation of sun worshippers, millions of us flock to holiday resorts all over the planet to ensure that we have that sun kissed look to show off around the office when we return. But in doing this, some of us are jeopordising our health by wearing little or no sunscreen and... ❯❯❯
As you flick through your favourite magazine, you will no doubt see pictures of celebrities with perfect looking faces, and smooth silky skin. Whilst some are lucky enough to maintain this look throughout the years, many are fortunate that air brushing is their favourite friend.However, for us mere mortals, there are no air brushes in sight when we head out to the local supermarket, and instead... ❯❯❯
I recently hit the big 3-0. And honestly it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t feel any different, look any different. No biggie. But then I started to take notice of small changes with my body. And I don’t know if they’d been going on for awhile and I was just hyper aware because of turning 30 or what. I started to notice that my shape was changing. At first, I freaked out. I was used to... ❯❯❯
With summer around the corner, it is time to trade your pants and jackets for tank tops and shorts. It is also time to update your makeup bag. Put away all the dark makeup items and opt for brighter colors. Bright eye makeup will give you a fun and sexy look this summer. Here are some different ways you can wear bright eye makeup. Turquoise Eyes Turquoise eye shadow on your eyelids will certainly... ❯❯❯
The majority of people in the world have at least a couple of moles here and there on their body. In fact, these are typically normal and are simply caused by a buildup of melanin, the chemical in our bodies that produces dark skin pigment, in a specific area of the body. However, in today's world, smooth and clear skin is seen as the ideal type of skin to have. As a result, people who do have... ❯❯❯
Some people would want to lose weight fast and tries those diet fads that promise to make you lose extra pounds in an instant. Diet pills have also been circulating over the market, which just do harm rather than beneficial results. When you lose weight, it is also important that you lose weight in a healthy way. Missing meals are also not good for you because these just increase your food... ❯❯❯
Everyday men and women across the country flooded with advertisements offering weight loss products that claim to be the next big thing in weight loss solutions. Most of us have tried all of these fad diets but have only seen minimal weight loss results. In addition, many people are not able to achieve permanent weight loss using traditional diet and exercise programs. In fact, many weight loss... ❯❯❯