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Face Lifts Unmasked- Common Myths and Misconceptions

As you flick through your favourite magazine, you will no doubt see pictures of celebrities with perfect looking faces, and smooth silky skin. Whilst some are lucky enough to maintain this look throughout the years, many are fortunate that air brushing is their favourite friend.However, for us mere mortals, there are no air brushes in sight when we head out to the local supermarket, and instead make-up is often our weapon of choice.

For some people, the goodness found in cosmetic products just isn’t enough and instead they decide that, in order to boost confidence and improve their look, to go under the knife. If this is something that you’re considering then you should continue reading as we lift the lid and unmask some of the common myths and misconceptions that people have about face lifts. 

Just For Girls

With celebrities like John Travolta, George Clooney and Simon Cowell all rumoured to have had some sort of cosmetic procedure, it’s important to note that cosmetic surgery isn’t just for women. Face lifts are becoming one of the most common procedures across the globe, and it’s not just women that you will see sat in the recovery room, more and more men are choosing this procedure because of its successful results. 

“I’m a Barbie Girl, In a Barbie World” 

One of the biggest myths about facelifts is that you’ll end up looking plastic, and this isn’t helped with people like Jackie Stallone and Joan Rivers, who, let’s be honest, do look like Barbie dolls. The reason for the stretched surprise look is often because these women have undergone numerous treatments and have overdone the need for cosmetic surgery.

Scars? Never! 

Many people think that a facelift won’t leave you with any scars, but think realistically about the surgery, as this isn’t something that physically could be possible. The reasoning behind this is because the incisions are made so close to your hair line they are often not visible unless you look up close, so whilst scars won’t be easily seen, you will be left with some. 

I Can’t Afford a Face Lift

Whilst it’s not something you can pop down to your local shops to have, facelifts are becoming a popular form of cosmetic surgery because they’re affordable. It was once seen as a procedure that was out of reach for many, but since the popularity has risen, many surgeries now offer finance plans to enable you to pay for the cost of your treatment over a set number of months. If it’s something you’re thinking about having, it’s always worth having a chat with a registered surgeon to discuss your options. 

No Surgery Required

One misconception that many people have is that they can have a face lift without going under the knife. Whilst there are ways to tone your skin and improve the signs of aging without surgery, a face lift does involve a surgical procedure. 

The reason that this myth has drawn its ugly head is because of the increased popularity in Botox; often a popular alternative for those not wishing to have a facelift. Whilst it won’t instantly make you look 30 years younger, it can help to reduce the signs of aging as it relaxes muscles in the face that cause wrinkles.  

If a facelift is something you’ve been thinking about, hopefully this post has helped to lift the lid on this procedure and has unmasked many of the myths and misconceptions people hold. 

This post was written by Sally Powell, on behalf of Safer Cosmetic Surgery; a professional aesthetic advice consultancy offering unrivalled support for those considering cosmetic procedures, such as a face lift.

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