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Understanding How Diet Can Affect Dental Health

Although most people are very aware that sugary foods are bad for their dental health, few realize that the effects of diet on dental health extend far beyond that. If you think about it really shouldn’t be that surprising – as not only does your diet affect your entire body, but it directly comes into contact with your mouth and teeth.

That is precisely why sugary foods are bad for dental health, along with anything that is soft, sweet and sticky. The tendency of these foods to cling to your teeth and gums makes them likely to promote tooth decay, which may be acerbated by other factors

Additionally, acidic food or drink is just as bad as it can erode the enamel that surrounds and protects the teeth. Some of the common acidic components that may be in your diet include citrus fruit, coffee, and soda.

Last but not least in the ‘bad’ column are hard substances. Any food that is excessively hard could damage your teeth directly and cause the enamel to chip or crack. In particular if you’re in the habit of chewing ice, you should definitely try to cut it out.

On the opposite side of the equation, there are foods that can help to improve your dental health. To be entirely honest the cornerstone of good dental health is a diet that is balanced and nutritious – with a special emphasis on the vitamins and minerals that they contain.

Typically foods that contain calcium, protein and vitamin A are particularly good. That is why yogurt, leafy greens, carrots, celery and almonds often end up at the top of the list in terms of foods that are good for your teeth.

In addition to basic nutrition, it is worth noting that sometimes certain foods can be very beneficial if consumed as part of a meal. Normally this is because they can counteract some of the potentially unwanted effects of other ingredients – such as how consuming cheese with normally acidic foods can help to balance out the acidity.

Another important aspect of diet that has a critical role in dental health is your water consumption. Drinking enough water is extremely important as it cleans your mouth and prevents it from becoming too dry. Additionally most tap water contains fluoride – which strengthens your teeth.

Of course as much as diet has a very big part to play in ensuring your dental health – you should still see a dentist Northampton on a regular basis. The next time you do you may want to ask them about your diet, and specifically anything you can do improve it so that your teeth are stronger and healthier in the long term.

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