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Minoxidil (Rogaine) for Hair Loss in Women & its Side Effects

Hair loss in women is the lousy sign; must note it down because that is not entirely acceptable to start having the hair loss signs.

The women are meant to conduct many protective methods to reduce and stop the hair loss using rogaine rich with minoxidil.

Mostly the hair loss is caused to the women from top and or the front side of the head that goes up to turning bald as it is claimed women loss about 150 hairs every day.

And when it becomes the norm, you can imagine having the new hair grown to its proper length, and that would take so much time.

So, the early initialization of the treatment is the only solution when you notice the start of hair loss.

Minoxidil (rogaine) for women hair loss

The women dealing with the pattern baldness and other such conditions, they are entitled to receive the hair loss treatment to reduce and even stop the hair loss.

Applying minoxidil topically over the scalp works best in stopping the hair loss issues caused to the women.

For the women, a hair grows about half an inch during the whole month, and each of the strands keeps increasing for up to 6 years then they totally get stopped growing and nourishing and then, that hair falls out and gets replaced with the new hair which would keep growing again for six years.

But the females who are suffering from pattern baldness, their hair follicles get smaller and smaller in some time.

And the smaller the hair follicles are, the hair would not grow for long and is then not replaced by the new hair but with the thinner set of strands.

To get this female pattern baldness, simply minoxidil has the power to treat you well through this hair loss disease.

Even though minoxidil is the only option to bring your relief, it does have its side effects.

And what are they?

Stick to it, please.

Minoxidil (Rogaine) side effects

And here are the side effects using minoxidil (Rogaine) for the women;

  • Severe irritation in the scalp
  • Unwanted growth noticed for facial hair
  • Chest pain with a faster heartbeat
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Hands and feet swelling
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Increased hair loss
  • Reddish skin
  • Blurred vision
  • Fainting

If you are feeling one or more situations, be ready to understand you are hit with the side effects after using minoxidil (rogaine.)

Before using the medicine, you should make contact with your doctor to see if you are facing any allergies to find the best advice of your doctor to see you are not going to get into trouble by having this hair loss treatment.

For breastfeeding, the study reveals there are slight chances of risks to the infant when minoxidil (rogaine) applied at the time of breastfeeding.

And using this treatment while taking other medications may clash between each other as well as taking drugs and alcohol at the same time applying the minoxidil over the scalp, may lead towards the unforeseen issues.

So, it is the best option to consult with the doctor to know how severely these could impact.

It is also advised not to have it used by pregnant women as it may adversely affect health.

The conclusion

Even though minoxidil (rogaine) is the best result provider to get the new hairs to build up with the continuous use, but it also poses the side effects as well for the women.

As women’s health condition does not seem to stay the same all of the time, it is highly recommended and advised to consult the doctor anytime you notice the change in your health condition.

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