Pregnancy brings many changes in woman’s body and the major cause for these changes is due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. These changes also affect the health of the teeth and gums and hence it is important to be aware of the care you have to take during pregnancy. The risk of developing gum diseases can also affect your baby. Pregnancy gingivitis is the name for the... ❯❯❯
Permanent makeup is the new popular procedure in the cosmetic industry. It is based on the age-old principles of tattoo making. It is gaining prominence owing to the conveniences it offers. It is usually done on the eyebrows or lips. It permanently enhances that particular feature in shape and size. Permanent makeup, though is long lasting, it is subject to fading, in extreme conditions. Light... ❯❯❯
Via All3sports triathlon gear... ❯❯❯
It’s a brave new world of beauty treatments thanks to the onward march of technological advancement in a society obsessed with looks. When our mothers were young they had to rely on cold creams to keep their skin youthful and teabags to get rid of under-eye puffiness. And if they had acne scars, wrinkles, and other skin problems to contend with, well, they pretty much had to resign themselves to... ❯❯❯
It doesn't matter whether we're kissing somebody for the first time, or sharing a moment with somebody we know and love, kissing well is nice for everybody. We've all experienced the let down of a bad kiss; it’s never good when somebody we're besotted with gets a little too sloppy. Here, we take a look at several top tips which will help you avoid being that person. Close your eyes There's... ❯❯❯
Our faces are usually the first thing people see when we meet them – they are our most exterior and visible representation of who we are as individuals. Our eyebrows tell people when we are surprised, mad or curious and the way our mouth moves can tell people if we are happy, sad or complacent – all with a simple smile or frown. It is really quite remarkable what our faces are capable of... ❯❯❯
If you need something that will provide you with the combination of a well-deserved getaway and a much-needed pick-me-up, but you don’t have a lot of money or time to take a vacation to another city or state, we have the perfect solution: book a day at one of your local spas. By going this route, not only can your mind get some of the rest and relaxation that it needs, but your body can get... ❯❯❯
Summer is the time of year many of us dread. As temperatures rise, we start shedding layers, meaning more flesh is on show. If you want to feel confident all summer long, check out our handy tips to get your body looking summer-ready and healthy before you dare to bare all on the beach. Exfoliate One of the key parts of a skincare regime is exfoliation, but it is unfortunately very often... ❯❯❯
In years gone by, corrective vision solutions entailed having your eyes tested and getting either glasses or contact lenses, which you were basically stuck with for the rest of your life, in most cases. These days, things are very different, as you can opt for the safe, effective and hassle-free solution known as laser eye surgery. There are a number of different types of laser eye surgery that... ❯❯❯
It doesn't matter whether we're kissing somebody for the first time, or sharing a moment with somebody we know and love, kissing well is nice for everybody. We've all experienced the let down of a bad kiss; it’s never good when somebody we're besotted with gets a little too sloppy. Here, we take a look at several top tips which will help you avoid being that person. Close your eyes There's... ❯❯❯